How To Build Your Facebook Status Color
Facebook Status Colors
Hi buddy, this time I will share how to create a facebook status with colorful writing
It's easy really friends, you are just required to enter the color code on your status, immediately wrote a friend, this code:
<fg f0warna>status / coment
# description: change status / post coment and change color with the color code that would make my friend, the following color code:
Color Code:
Maroon (#800000)
Navy (#000080)
Olive (#808000)
Purple (#800080)
Red (#FF0000)
Silver (#C0C0C0)
Teal (#008080)
White (#FFFFFF)
Yellow (#FFFF00)
Aquamarine (#7FFFD4)
Blueviolet (#8A2BE2)
Brown (#A52A2A)
Burlywood (#DEB887)
Cadetblue (#5F9EA0)
Coral (#FF7F50)
Cornflowerblue (#6495ED)
Crimson (#DC143C)
Cyan (#00FFFF)
Darkcyan (#008686)
Darkgoldenrod (#688606)
Darkgray (#A9A9A9)
Darkgreen (#006400)
Darkkhaki (#606766)
Darkmagenta (#860086)
Darkolivegreen (#55662F)
Darkorange (#FF8C00)
Darkorchid (#9932CC)
Darkred (#860000)
Darksalmon (#E9967A)
Darkslateblue (#483086)
Darkslategray (#2F4F4F)
Darkturquoise (#00CED1)
Darkviolet (#940003)
Deeppink (#FF1493)
Deepskyblue (#00BFFF)
Dimgray (#696969)
Dodgerblue (#1E90FF)
Firebrick (#622222)
Floralwhite (#FFFAF0)
Forestgreen (#228622)
Gainsboro (#DCDCDC)
Gold (#FFD700)
Goldenrod (#DAA520)
Greenyellow (#ADFF2F)
Hotpink (#FF69B4)
Indianred (#CD5C5C)
Indigo (#460082)
Khaki (#F0E68C)
Lavender (#E6E6FA)
Lavenderblush (#FFF0F5)
Lawngreen (#7CFC00)
Lightblue (#ADD8E6)
Lightcoral (#F08080)
Lightcyan (#E0FFFF)
Lightgreen (#90EE90)
Lightgrey (#D3D3D3)
Lightpink (#FFB6C1)
Lightsalmon (#FFA07A)
Lightseagreen (#20B2AA)
Lightskyblue (#87CEFA)
Lightslategray (#778899)
Lightsteelblue (#B0C4DE)
Limegreen (#32CD32)
Linen (#FAF0E6)
Magenta (#FF00FF)
Mediumorchid (#BA55D3)
Mediumpurple (#9370DB)
Mediumseagreen (#3CB371)
Mediumslateblue (#7B68EE)
Mediumturquoise (#4801CC)
# description: # sign his friend need not come included, so if you want to make a living for the red status like: <fg f0FF0000> status / coment
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